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Climate Change: The core of the crisis:Climate change and water availability are two important stones in the great mosaic of sustainability, but not the core of the crisis. The paramount global water crisis, which according to the United Nations Water Development Report is more a problem of governance than of abundance, is a result of our inability to manage and share our water resources in a responsible and sustainable way. Anthropogenic climate change is largely the result of unsustainable production and use of products. Our economy is based on false assumptions originating in the 19th century, creating the need for continuous growth. The environmentally and societally damaging way we make things and the way we have organized our societies are at the core of the crisis. There is no sustainable avenue of maintaining the current economic and societal framework over a long time. Therefore, we will not solve the mounting crisis by focusing on climate change, energy, mass extinction, or water scarcity while ignoring the need to revolutionize our economic framework and societal structures. Comment on this statement ...

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