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Items of the month:
Note that since April 2014, I am publishing these items in my blog at

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Selected Recent Presentations and Publication

Picture of the month ...

February 2013: Where is she? “I want her now!” This is what one could think he is pondering about. Or is he just wanting to show us that he doesn't like us intruding in his space? By showing what he has to show, he might want to impress us (which in fact he did) and get us out of sight, so that he can continue in peace in what he is best in: consuming a huge amount of bio mass so large that Kruger National Park hardly can (or better, cannot) sustain the 18,000 elephants that are depending on the bioproduction of this seemingly large area.

Picture by Hans-Peter Plag, all rights reserved.

If you have a story, thought, or picture worth to be considered as story, thought or picture of the month, please feel free to inform me about it by sending an e-mail to