On Sustainability

General Information
Main page
Some articles
Some books
Some organizations
Some people
Some events
Some useful web pages
UN and sustainability
Universities and sustainability
Sustainable architecture
Transforming transportation
Transforming economies and societies
EarthStock Lecture
Mackay Centennial Lecture

On sustainable architecture

Passive houses

Passive Cooling:

Some information sources on passive cooling are:

  • The BuiltItSolar.com page on Passive Cooling, which includes a list of guides and tools.

Waste Water:

Greywater reuse

Malibu Greywater Handbook

Show cases

Zero Energy

Lakeland, Florida: The information about a comparison of a conventional and a passive house in almost identical settings provided by the Florida Solar Energy Center demonstrates a 92% reduction in net energy uses of the passive house compared to the conventional house.

Some examples of sustainable architecture


WMO Building in Geneva, Switzerland: This is a beautiful, smart, and sustainable building, a fun place to work in and to be at. See the nice description (local copy) ...


IGES Building in The headquarters of the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) in Kanagawa, Japan by Nikken Sekkei is a great example of sustainable architecture, for which the architect cut 40% in lifecycle CO. See the article in BSJONLINE. See also the list of Nikken Sekkei Publications.